The credit is issued in the currency of the trades awaiting settlement, with the amount equalling to the settlement obligation not fulfilled by the settled cash balance. The credit limit for a particular currency at a point in time is capped at the balance of the unsettled cash in that currency. You authorize TBAU to:

  • prevent further transactions involving the settled cash balance and unsettled cash balance that have been utilized; and

  • subsequently deduct the corresponding cash balance from your account following the settlement of the outstanding cash balance against which the credit was provided. Regardless of the settlement of the outstanding cash balance, you remain liable for the full amount of your settlement obligations.

Considering the settlement terms of the financial products offered by TBAU are generally within the T+2 timeframe, the duration of the credit is generally up to two (2) business days. TBAU currently does not charge any interest or fees related to the provision of the credit under this section. However, TBAU may in its discretion elect to introduce such charges in the future with providing a reasonable prior notice.

Please also read the target market determination of the credit facility on our website for more information.

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